Ron Holder, the President of a local branch of a letter carrier's union shared this...
"Are you angry about the lack of mail delivery in your neighborhood? Believe me, so are we. As president of the letter carriers union, I can assure you that none of the issues are the fault of your letter carrier.
"As an example today, August 1st 2020, some of our post offices received zero mail for delivery. Letter carriers in those stations received parcels for delivery only. This is a problem which is being manufactured from the top of the leadership pyramid.
"Recently, we received a new postmaster general who is instituting changes, and it is these changes, that are driving the non-delivery of mail.
"I have been with the postal service going on 33 years and I have never seen a day like today, where zero mail showed up at the post office for delivery. I have lived through severe snow storms, the ice storm of 1991, 2020 pandemic, riots, hurricanes, etc. The list goes on and on, and through all of these issues, and all of these national or local emergencies, the mail still went through.
"With the hiring of a single individual who has never had anything to do with the postal service, and has zero postal experience, we are now seeing days where mail does not show up.
"I know you, the mailing public, find this completely unacceptable. Please understand your letter carrier also finds this completely unacceptable. We ask you to stand with us in support of your postal service and contact your congress-member to let them know you find this unacceptable and demand answers.
"Calling the postal service to complain will do nothing. You need to go further and contact Congress. This is your postal service, and once it's gone, it will be extremely expensive to send a letter across the country. We're not talking cents, we're talking dollars. If we sit by and do nothing, the postal service will be gone and you'll never get it back.
"For the first time in 33 years I am worried. I am concerned for the future of the mail delivery, the careers of 700,000 employees and for the service that we provide the American public everyday.
" I would appreciate everyone that would share this message and contact their congress-member to save the Post Office.
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