Wednesday, August 19, 2020

The End Days are HERE

A call to reason from a chilling essay on Click below to read.

Let me issue, then, a last warning to America. We survivors of authoritarianism haven’t been kidding from day one. We’re not kidding now. We’ve persevered — for you — despite the attacks, laugher, mockery, marginalization. You should take a moment to respect that, and then ask yourself. Not: why the hell do these annoying people keep on trying to warn me something’s wrong? But: why the hell don’t I ever learn?

It’s not a conspiracy theory, it’s not hyperbole, it’s not hysteria. It’s reality. The election is being stolen before your eyes. By very real authoritarian-fascists. If you dismiss it this time as “alarmism” — my friend, it’s game over. And your denial will go down in history as complicity, which is the polite word for stupidity and self-deceit so epic it destroys a society.

1 comment:

DowJonesing said...

President is nothing but a facial figure, they run nothing. I'm not trying to politic with you man, I just feel we shouldn't waste our lives on something we can't control. Your opinion will not change any outcome already set up to happen, no one's opinion will. So what if we disagree? All people are doing is bringing this into their personal life and ruining relationships over people we don't even know and can't control. It's a waste of time, which of course is a waste of life. Just live.

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