Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Banned from FaceBook, I rise from the digital dead

So it's a decade after my last post, and I am now living inside of the nightmare I so readily predicted on my former show Angry Human: the United States has fallen, we are now a full-bore kleptocracy being destroyed by a sociopathic, insecure, petty, insane rapist, conman, "reality television" putz with a deep seated hatred of everyone who is not him, with the sole exception of the daughter he has installed in the Gray House. A pandemic is ravaging my country, and we are now banned from entering most of the rest of the world - the wall doesn't exist, but it might as well, as we are all now trapped inside of this shithole country with no hope for escape. Riots in most major cities, armed, unmarked Gestapo roaming the streets and kidnapping innocent civilians, black people being publicly, brazenly murdered by "law officers", a treasury being openly sacked, a double-digit percentage of families about to be evicted from their meager homes, it's a science-fiction movie playing out in realtime, and I'm watching it all unfold in ways my darkest thoughts never imagined.

Once Facebook restores my access, I will simply point everyone over here, as I don't intend to censor myself for their Russian-programmed bots, I've had it with their underhanded shenanigans. I'm going to rev up this blog over the next few months, and satisfy my editorial yearnings outside of their foul ecosystem, so bookmark this page, folks, I'll be indulging my many interests here and look forward to seeing your names in my comments sections. Look, unlike Facebook, I even have RTF (Rich Text Formatting), the little things that get a writer all hot and bothered! FREEDOM!

I'm David Biedny, the Angry Human, and it's good to be back.

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Back to the source

I obtained a secret video of Kimberly Guilfoyle's "speech" last night, as shot through the "They Live" sunglasses. D...