Wednesday, July 22, 2020

American Gestapo kidnapping American citizens

I think this is what finally totally broke me this weekend, the realization that there is simply no coming back from this - my gut tells me this is what will be happening across the country on Election Day in November, the targeted detention of enough civilians to throw the numbers towards the dictator. Folks have forgotten the Electoral College was won by a total of just over 80,000 votes in a few key states in 2016, Clinton won the popular vote by more than three million, made zero difference in the end. The Gestapo could easily detain 100,000 people for 24 hours, and that would do it, the Republican terrorists would take over permanently.

And since I posted that on Fakebook last weekend, the douchetator™ is now planning on sending his Gestapo forces into any city being governed by Democrats, even if the governors refuse to comply. We are now in open warfare, all facades are gone.

Here's the article from Salon.

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