Thursday, May 20, 2010

Photoshop CS 5 Content Aware Fill

Much has been written about the rather cool new Content Aware Fill mojo in Photoshop CS5, but as you might expect, it's not exactly foolproof. This video, which I did for Mac|Life magazine, is the first in a series I'll be putting out independently on Photoshop CS5, as well as other software goodies that I think are worthy, and that often fall under the radar of the mainstream software world.

Far Too Long

Everyone knows how life has a tendency to take over, and distract someone away from their blog. I stand here before you today, guilty of the crime of being overwhelmed by life. But it's time to take the reins again, and get my analog digits busy, so here we go! And what better way to get started, than share a very cool concept animation which popped up on my screen thanks to the ILM Alumni listserve, check this out:

I'd love to see this movie, wouldn't you?

Back to the source

I obtained a secret video of Kimberly Guilfoyle's "speech" last night, as shot through the "They Live" sunglasses. D...